^Savannah-Booboo^ angel furbaby
Home Page
Savannah's Story
My ^Savannah-Booboo^ is an angel now
Photo Album
Poems and Tributes
Hemangiosarcoma and Canine Cancer
Shann's journal of healing
contact information and links


April 21, 1989 to January 29, 2003

This website is a tribute and memorial to my little 6 pound Maltese furbaby who left me and this earth to join the other fur and feathered angels at
The Rainbow Bridge

In June 1989 I was given a baby Maltese puppy by
my mom, Sheila, how was I to know she would change my life..click on her 8 wk pic to continue..

Link to the Rainbow Bridge Poem on my
Poems and Tributes page


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My furbaby girl ^Savannah-Booboo^, whom most of
you know as Booboo, lost her battle to cancer last night, January 29, 2003..click on her pic to cont

^Savannah-Booboo^, you chose me as your mommy back in 1989, how was I to know that you knew we were soulmates. I thank God for lending you to me for almost 14 years, you were and always will be my soulmate, my angel, my guardian, my little 6 pound Maltese puppy I will always love you more than you will ever know, you are and always will be in my heart, in my soul, Thank you I love you so.