I heard you cry, I came running
You looked at me with those big brown eyes
You told me it was time to go
I told the rest of the family this was it
They kissed you one last time before we made the trip
In the car I held your tiny limp body next to mine
Saying it was ok to go, I would be alright, and how I loved you so
In the emergency room sound was so heavy, so thick
Like in a David Lynch movie, very surreal
With a rattling door knob and an eiry loud clock tick
The tech came in and you seizured again
He swiftly took you out of my arms and rushed you away
The sound in the room thickened so much I could feel pressure in my ears
Then my heart started beating louder, then came sound to my tears
The Doctor came in with a sullen look on her face
What she had to say was hard, made her choke
Your vitals had dropped so low you were barely here
That kind Doctor held my hand and told me the end was near
She brought you back to the room and I held you in my arms
Your breathe was labored, your heart stopped and started again
They gave you a seditive to stop the seizures and pain
Your beautiful little body went calm, very still
You opened your eyes and looked at me with peace
I bent down to your face, telling you how much I loved you
How much you meant to me
You gently kissed me on the nose, then your eyes half way closed
Your heart was barely beating, it was time for you to go
You looked so pretty, so peaceful I knew the exact moment
That moment that the angels came for you
I still held your little body, lifeless in my arms
It was so hard to let go, it was so hard to let go
I left that emergency room and left your body behind
Your spirit soured high that night free from pain
Now a pain I have never felt is mine
I got sick on the way home, I couldn’t function for a very long time
Crying, sobbing, waling so hard I would almost pass out
Just when I thought I could not go on any longer
You touched me from above, you made me stronger
Thank you for guiding me while on earth and now from above
For all you were, are and will be to me
Now and forever I give you my love, mommy Shann