^Savannah-Booboo^ angel furbaby
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My ^Savannah-Booboo^ is an angel now
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My ^Savannah-Booboo^ on Jan 21, 2003
Her little legs had been shaved from surgery but she still was so pretty

Exploring Georgia for the first time, January 1999
"It's much colder here than Southern California!"

My Happiest Day! New Years Day 2002
Laying around snuggling with my furbabies and my son, ^Sav^ is on my shoulder.

Another perfect Day! Loving my babies!
Sav in my lap, my son Foster giving my hugs, Bonbon kissing Foster and Didi on my feet!

Booboo and Foster hanging out January 14, 2003

Savannah-Booboo where are you? January 20, 2003
Hiding in Foster's stuffed animals

Fighting with the 'pool monster' May 2001

Sexy Savy.........In the grass, January 1999

Drinking smoothies with Foster and daddy
June 2001

At home in Los Angeles, a day at the beach
with mommy and Holden August 1997

Sassy Savy....doing the walk! At home in LA
November 1999

"Are you talking to me? That's QUEEN SAV to you!"
Up on her perch as queen, April 2002

"You think I'm gorgeous, you want to kiss me!"
Gorgeous Savannah at home in Georgia, December 2000

After a buzz cut at the groomers!
March 2000

The ^Savannah-Booboo^ stuffed angel doggy
Foster bought it for me on March 28, 2003

The ^Savannah-Booboo^ stuffed angel doggy
I think this must be what my baby girls wings look like, she was sassy that way!

The ^Savannah-Booboo^ angel stuffed doggy
I put ^Sav's^ tags on her, she also has another tag that says "friends forever"

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^Savannah-Booboo^, you chose me as your mommy back in 1989, how was I to know that you knew we were soulmates. I thank God for lending you to me for almost 14 years, you were and always will be my soulmate, my angel, my guardian, my little 6 pound Maltese puppy I will always love you more than you will ever know, you are and always will be in my heart, in my soul, Thank you I love you so.